We are thrilled to announce the launch of a contest aimed at rewarding the most creative and informative video tutorials that he

02 Sep 2023, 19:16
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a contest aimed at rewarding the most creative and informative video tutorials that help newcomers understand and complete the purchase of the BabyBNBTiger token. By participating in this contest, not only can you win valuable prizes, but you can also help others join our project 💰 Here are the rules to follow when participating in the contest: 1️⃣ Video theme: The video tutorial should provide a detailed explanation of the process of purchasing the BabyBNBTiger token. Participants should describe the steps necessary for registering on the exchange, depositing funds, purchasing the token, and storing it. 2️⃣ Quality and originality: The video should be properly formatted (with our logo) and have clear audio. We encourage participants to showcase creativity and originality in presenting the material. 3️⃣ Duration: The recommended duration of the video is between 3 to 5 minutes. Please pay attention to the accuracy and clarity of the explanations so that newcomers can easily follow the instructions. 4️⃣ Language: The video should be in one of the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Chinese, Turkish, or Urdu. This will help reach a wider audience. One winner will be selected for each language zone. 5️⃣ Usage guidelines: The video should not contain explicit language, offensive, or inappropriate content. It should be informative and helpful to viewers. 6️⃣ Submission of videos: Participants should upload their videos to the YouTube platform with the title "BabyBNBTiger. Purchase Instruction" and provide the link in the comments section of this post. 📹 7️⃣ Deadlines and participation: The contest starts today and will run until Monday, inclusive. Participants must submit their video tutorials by the end of this period. The winners will be announced by the end of this week. 8️⃣ Evaluation and rewards: The videos will be evaluated based on criteria including clarity, informativeness, originality, and quality. The team will select several winners who will receive valuable prizes (ranging from $50 to $300) and recognition from our community. We believe in the power of visual communication and are confident that your video tutorial will help many people understand the process of purchasing the BabyBNBTiger token. Join our contest and share your knowledge with the world! 🌍 Good luck to all participants! ❤️