TODAY IS THE DAY. Today is a National Tiger Day. The majestic stripey feline is a symbol of power, courage, and resilience.

30 Jul 2023, 15:41
TODAY IS THE DAY. Today is a National Tiger Day. The majestic stripey feline is a symbol of power, courage, and resilience. However, let us not forget the reason we are called Baby BNB Tiger in the first place and learn vital lessons it teaches about preserving wildlife and embracing compassion in a world rife with selfishness. The TIGER, an ancient symbol, has roamed the Earth for millennia, embodying the essence of the wild. But now, its existence is threatened due to human actions. Our planet's wildlife faces challenges like habitat destruction and climate change. It's a wake-up call to protect nature's delicate balance. We've been selfish in our pursuit of progress, neglecting the needs of vulnerable creatures and orphaned CHILDREN. Let's learn from the tiger's ways and embrace its qualities. Its power inspires us to protect nature. Its courage motivates us to stand up for the voiceless and care for children in need. A poverty is also a real problem. We proudly wear BINANCE on our sleeve as a symbol of financial revolution and freedom. Because if you gotta fight the 5% who own 95% - you better surround yourself with strong allies. Let's adopt the tiger's strength to confront challenges and persevere in conservation. Let’s protect orphaned children, and inspire others to embrace empathy. Let’s bring the unorthodox movement of crypto charity investment to masses together with Binance! Today is the day we stand tall and celebrate our pledge to be guardians of our planet. Let's build a legacy of preservation, love, and empathy. #cryptocharity #babybnbtiger -N

Same news in other sources

01 Aug 2023, 12:40
Armenian Cat Rescue Center was funded by BabyBNBTiger community. There might be several heroes, including me and the BabyBNBTiger community. But the real hero of this story is a courageous woman Diana. On July 30, I reached out to a cat Rescue Center "Catoo" on Facebook and arranged our visit the next day. The shelter was far from my place, the road was terrible so it took me 2 hours to get there! A young woman opened the door, it was Diana, the owner of the shelter. She showed me the three sections of the shelter. First was a section for stray cats - 60 cats in a 50 sqm room (that's not even 1 sqm per cat). The second outdoor section was for 10 dogs. The third was for 25-30 disabled, ill and injured cats. The majority of these pets are hurting, some were hit by cars, some had broken bones, some had amputated limbs. Some have several birth defects and serious illnesses. All of them need special care which Diana is providing all on her own! Drugs and care products are being bought regularly. The charity funds raised by our community was enough to buy all necessary products: dry and wet food (20kg), some vitamins, toys and other care products. Yep, I would proudly talk about the good work that I did for them with help of BBT for hours. But that wouldn't be fair. Because, the real hero is Diana. Using her own funds and some support sent by other kind people it’s unbelievable how she is managing all that, but she is able to take care of all 85-90 cats and dogs. The world needs more people like Diana! And BabyBNBTiger gives us this opportunity to meet such people, listen to their stories, learn valuable lessons and get inspired to do more good. Remember: Investing in @BabyBNBTiger crypto project, you indirectly do charity work somewhere on earth 🌍⚡ -T #cryptocharity #cryptoforgood #cryptosavinglives #charity #babybnbtiger
Armenian Cat Rescue Center was funded by BabyBNBTiger community.
Armenian Cat Rescue Center was funded by BabyBNBTiger community. There might be several heroes, including me and the BabyBNBTiger community. But the real hero of this story is a courageous woman Diana. On July 30, I reached out to a cat Rescue Center "Catoo" on Facebook and arranged our visit the next day. The shelter was far from my place, the road was terrible so it took me 2 hours to get there! A young woman opened the door, it was Diana, the owner of the shelter. She showed me the three sections of the shelter. First was a section for stray cats - 60 cats in a 50 sqm room (that's not even 1 sqm per cat). The second outdoor section was for 10 dogs. The third was for 25-30 disabled, ill and injured cats. The majority of these pets are hurting, some were hit by cars, some had broken bones, some had amputated limbs. Some have several birth defects and serious illnesses. All of them need special care which Diana is providing all on her own! Drugs and care products are being bought regularly. The charity funds raised by our community was enough to buy all necessary products: dry and wet food (20kg), some vitamins, toys and other care products. Yep, I would proudly talk about the good work that I did for them with help of BBT for hours. But that wouldn't be fair. Because, the real hero is Diana. Using her own funds and some support sent by other kind people it’s unbelievable how she is managing all that, but she is able to take care of all 85-90 cats and dogs. The world needs more people like Diana! And BabyBNBTiger gives us this opportunity to meet such people, listen to their stories, learn valuable lessons and get inspired to do more good. Remember: Investing in @BabyBNBTiger crypto project, you indirectly do charity work somewhere on earth 🌍⚡ -T #cryptocharity #cryptoforgood #cryptosavinglives #charity #babybnbtiger
31 Jul 2023, 17:10
Man, what a day. I love, love, looooove getting on the kid’s level and communicate with them as we were even, just mindlessly having fun and playing a cool lil bro! I can be annoying sometimes, but we’ve had so much fun with Sanur Orphanage in Bali today, kids were genuinely happy and supper intelligent! At one point some random boy just approached me with a hug and said thanks for everything that we did for his family of orphans today, I was shocked by such behavior. Kids can be so painfully honest at times it just pierces your soul and turns you inside out. Having fathered 2 daughters and now having a new born daughter by blood I’ve always struggled to be provider, a giver, a superhero but I’ve never even had a thought of giving up. Makes no sense to me anyone ever would abandon a child.. Even god damn cats take care of their kittens, it’s how it’s supposed to be with nature. Guess some people got completely disconnected from it so much so they don’t feel the urge to get actually roll up their sleeves and get shit done for the children that they themselves have brought into this world. That goes out to abandoned pets too! It’s also still beyond me that BABYBNBTIGER has people who actually hate us and me personally. Like what are you, a lizard? Lol Anyway, BABYBNBTIGER exists to balance things out and I can’t wait to share more footage with you guys! This week we will do so much good the industry can’t ignore us anymore. Let’s make some noise with happy children laugh and doggy barks for this week a lot of lives will be changed thanks to @BabyBNBTiger and it’s holders. Gang. -N
Man, what a day.
Man, what a day. I love, love, looooove getting on the kid’s level and communicate with them as we were even, just mindlessly having fun and playing a cool lil bro! I can be annoying sometimes, but we’ve had so much fun with Sanur Orphanage in Bali today, kids were genuinely happy and supper intelligent! At one point some random boy just approached me with a hug and said thanks for everything that we did for his family of orphans today, I was shocked by such behavior. Kids can be so painfully honest at times it just pierces your soul and turns you inside out. Having fathered 2 daughters and now having a new born daughter by blood I’ve always struggled to be provider, a giver, a superhero but I’ve never even had a thought of giving up. Makes no sense to me anyone ever would abandon a child.. Even god damn cats take care of their kittens, it’s how it’s supposed to be with nature. Guess some people got completely disconnected from it so much so they don’t feel the urge to get actually roll up their sleeves and get shit done for the children that they themselves have brought into this world. That goes out to abandoned pets too! It’s also still beyond me that BABYBNBTIGER has people who actually hate us and me personally. Like what are you, a lizard? Lol Anyway, BABYBNBTIGER exists to balance things out and I can’t wait to share more footage with you guys! This week we will do so much good the industry can’t ignore us anymore. Let’s make some noise with happy children laugh and doggy barks for this week a lot of lives will be changed thanks to @BabyBNBTiger and it’s holders. Gang. -N
31 Jul 2023, 13:19
BabyBNBTiger telegram news 31 July 2023 13:19
31 Jul 2023, 07:35
31 Jul 2023, 03:20
Morning tigers! My team has a very important task at hand today! We are venturing out into another orphanage in Bali! Will make content and document everything on the go as much as I can!
Morning tigers. My team has a very important task at hand today. We are venturing out into another orphanage in Bali.
Morning tigers! My team has a very important task at hand today! We are venturing out into another orphanage in Bali! Will make content and document everything on the go as much as I can!