I spoke to 1,284 people on Pauly0x X spaces today. We talked about charity and how blockchain can be applied to it.

26 Aug 2023, 18:29
I spoke to 1,284 people on Pauly0x X spaces today. We talked about charity and how blockchain can be applied to it. The question, however, of how to build, grow, educate and navigate a community of a crypto charity project remains open. 🤷‍♂️ Even Pauly doesn’t know if the global crypto community is ready for charity. if it’s ready to embrace the implications and benefits of giving it back to the world and being of service to people. Pauly said “No crypto community is good. 99% of them are scammers.” And I couldn’t agree more. In my years in crypto I got rugged more times than I’d like to admit. But then again, I chose to support BabyBNBTiger because I believe in doing things the right way. I don’t believe you can build wealth by being a bad person and by hurting people around you. I’m aware scammers make quick buck. But that money blows away fast and leaves blood on your hands. And then you’re back to the rat races. Another thing you can’t build being indecent is a network of people who would lift you up no matter what. Who would educate you and open your mind to a sea of real life opportunities out there, charity being one of them. I guess that’s the kinda community I want to build here. And I’d rather we all make a hundred thousand dollars each than take a billion all for myself. Would you want to become part of such community? The one that we build here at @BabyBNBTiger? Or are you gonna spend another day buying another shitcoin that don’t matter to this world? The choice is yours. -N