Dear BabyBNBTiger Community.

06 Sep 2023, 17:09
Dear BabyBNBTiger Community! 🐯 We invite you to participate in our exciting contest dedicated to celebrating the 6-month anniversary of our project! Your task is to create and upload a video about our project on YouTube using any style you desire. Let your creative potential shine. Don't forget to congratulate our baby tiger on his first half-year achievements! To participate, please follow these steps: 1. Create a creative and original video about our project in your native language. Let your imagination run wild and choose a style that you like from a comedic script to a documentary or even a music video, using content that can be found on our channel. Your video should be informative and fun! 2. Wish our baby tiger a happy 6-month anniversary. Add wishes, songs, or any other creative elements (photos and videos from our Channel) to make it special. And tell us what BabyBNBTiger means to you? 3. Upload the video to your YouTube channel and ensure it is publicly viewable. 4. Share the link to your video and your contact information in the comments of this post. Don't forget to mention "BabyBNBTiger - 6 months. Happy Birthday!" in the subject of your message. 5. The contest starts today and runs until the end of this week. Participants must upload their videos and share the links in the comments by the end of this period. Winners will be announced at the end of the following week. 6. Winners will be selected by our team based on originality, creativity, and the birthday wishes for the baby tiger. Up to 5 winners will receive prizes ranging from 50 to 300 USDT! You have the chance to win great prizes and showcase your talent and creative approach to our project. Participate and let your imagination run wild! Don't miss the opportunity to become one of the winners and receive well-deserved recognition. We look forward to your wonderful videos and birthday wishes for our baby tiger on his six-month anniversary! Good luck to all participants! 🐯🎉