100 people in Pakistan Fed for a Month Thanks to BabyBNBTiger.

29 Aug 2023, 20:20
100 people in Pakistan Fed for a Month Thanks to BabyBNBTiger Baby BNB Tiger has become synonymous with hope, good news and a bundle of joy for Kotli village in Pakistan's Kasur city. Not a soul there is now unfamiliar with the project. This has always been the hallmark of BabyBNBTiger as it always leaves a lasting impression on people. For my third charity drive, I had decided to expand on my previous efforts and help as many people as I could. The target was to be able to assist one hundred people involving 20 different households. And we were able to do just that. I got there in the afternoon with my sister and my cousin. And guess what? Many recognised the car as we got there and welcomed us with warm smiles. We gathered the women and children and provided them with essential food items, including wheat flour, rice, lentils and cooking oil. A couple of children asked to touch the Baby Tiger banner so I just gave it to them. One said she would put it on her home's front wall. It was the cutest thing in the world. As it's a common gesture of respect in South Asia, one older woman patted my head and told me to share her message of gratitude with the Baby BNB Tiger team. I told her I'd share it not just with my team but its proud holders as well. So, dear holders, just know that you are also very much a part of this soaring wave of charity revolution. No other project is touching the hearts of people quite like our mighty cub. To say I'm proud of Baby BNB Tiger would be putting it mildly. Helping humanity has now become my calling. My team members Niki, Tamara, Jay & Jenn and Ortega continue to inspire me and I'll continue to give it my all to this beautiful cause. Charity is not just about helping people; it's about creating goodwill, embracing kindness and spreading joy. So let's continue to spread joy and inspire others around us. Never underestimate yourself or the power of philanthropy. #charity #cryptochanginglives #cryptocharity